While men slept – Part 7

John Okene. Photo: YOUTUBE

Demonic caterers specialise in cooking and feeding people in the dream. They can use your face to cook for yourself, so you can be relaxed about it or even use your face to cook for others and be accused of being a witch. ‘Whosoever is using your face to cook for others, I unmask them in Jesus name’. Some of the reasons they want to feed you is to initiate you into witchcraft of marine world. During some of our children deliverance programmes, we discovered that some children fall victim of this when given sweets and other delicacies in the dream. Another reason is to poison the victim and you wake up feeling sick. This is the origin of strange afflictions that defy medical remedies.

Again, it is to weaken your spiritual life, so you can’t pray, fast or even study the word. One can also be fed in the dream to stop his or her breakthrough. This happens at the edge of your expectation. Some people experience a reoccurrence of a particular dream, when something good is about to happen to them. A lady said whenever she was pregnant, she would dream of someone showing her blood-stained menstrual pad and that would be the end of that pregnancy after five years of being married, until she met me for deliverance. The third example of evil dream is being injected or given drugs in the dream. This keeps the victim perpetually sick. I preached in a Church somewhere, when God told me that He has just healed someone of a seven-year HIV infection. I was later told it was the pastor’s wife and it was a spiritual case, as the man never had any trace of it in spite of their contact.

There are certain dreams that can bring fright to you, if you do nothing about them. Just as we see in our Bible text, this man had to quickly change his ways. Understand that every satanic dream has repercussions and some of them are as follows: First of them all, it can lead to untimely death and secondly, it can result in strange affliction. It can also lead to constant miscarriages and barrenness. For some, it leads to late marriages or being married to the wrong person. This makes life a living hell and in most cases, you can’t make it to Heaven. Another repercussion of evil dream is that you can be pursued out of your divine position or miss God’s prophetic agenda for your life. You can also suffer financial loss or experience strange revelations and you think it is from God. It can also abort your God-given dreams and vision.

Finally, you can be used ignorantly to harm your family and even yourself. When you dream of flying or eating flesh, this is an indication that you’re a blind witch and so, can unknowingly donate or kill your family members. You can use your hand to cause problems for yourself. Get my books on YOUR BATTLES AND YOUR DREAMS for more details on this topic.
Rev. John Okene, Divine Touch Int’l Ministries
Warri, Delta State.
[email protected]
Prayerline: +2348135952623



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